West Bristol Arts gratefully acknowledges the part played by sponsors in promoting the trails, without which the artists could not pay for all the publicity.
We warmly welcome such sponsorship, and hope it provides as much publicity for the sponsors as it does for us.
The main form of sponsorship is currently through advertising in our map/ brochure which has a circulation of about 15,000. There are other possibilities in contributing to articles in magazines such as Clifton Life. We are also considering offering opportunities to sponsor this website through advertising with a link to your own website. If you are interested in pursuing this, please contact us by email at [email protected]
The costs of sponsorship of the map/ brochure (15,000 copies) for which the sponsor receives an advertisement are currently:
Whole Back Page (A5): £285
Whole inner page (A5): £230
Half Page (A6): £125
Quarter Page: £65
Please pay by online banking to The Coventry Building Society, West Bristol Arts, a/c 76157928, Sort code 40-63-01 including your your name as reference.