Registration is now open. Please register as soon as possible, we hope to complete registration and have collected payment by Saturday 30th March 2024.
The entrance fee is £60 per artist (not per venue).
How to register
Fill in the form below. If you took part in recent art trails you may be able to pick your name from a dropdown list, (NB we recently cleared out hundreds of artist details from the dim and distant past, some returning artists might have to enter their info afresh).
Choosing a Venue
If you plan on showing your work in your own home, just click the Own Home button. If you want to show in a group venue we will do our best to place you in a venue. We give preference to last years exhibitors in group venues and then allocate any spare spaces to new artists. There is a limited number of spaces available at some group venues in Clifton. For more information please email [email protected]
Submitting the form
On submitting the form, you’ll see a confirmation message with instructions about payment etc. If you go back to the Home page, your name will appear on the grid of artists’ images (it’s in first name order). If we don’t have an image yet it will just show a grey square with your name on it. If you click on that, it will take you your artist webpage which will be largely blank, ready to receive text and images when you send them to [email protected].
Please pay by online/BACS to the following account:
West Bristol Arts
Coventry Building Society
a/c 76157928
sort code 40-63-01
You can also pay by cheque, payable to West Bristol Arts and posted to
Kevin Clutterbuck
9 Tower
George’s Square
Bristol BS1 6LB