Welcome to the 2020 West Bristol Arts Trail registration screen. Please read the information below and then choose which side (left or right) to fill in. The left side is for those who have exhibited before (since 2010) and the right for those who have never exhibited before. The moment you register you should receive an onscreen confirmation and your name (and image if you have one already) should appear on the Artists and Venues pages. If this doesn’t happen you have probably made a mistake somewhere. Unlikely to happen as the process is extremely simple.
The subscription per artist (not per venue) is £50. There is no charge for schools. We have special rates for church groups or charities and the like. Please send an enquiry to [email protected]
After registering, you will then need to do four things:
1) You can send payment either (preferably) by online banking to The Coventry Building Society, West Bristol Arts, a/c 76157928, Sort code 40-63-01 – your name as reference (vital obviously); or by cheque (payable to “West Bristol Arts”) sent to West Bristol Arts, 2 Sion Lane, Clifton, Bristol BS8 4BE. It is very helpul if you could put your name CLEARLY on the back of the cheque if the name on the cheque is not easily recognisable (eg Perkins Creations printed on the cheque and Joanna Arbuthnot is your name). For online payments please email us if the reference you give (ie your name) is different from the account name – as above. Not all banks and building societies use the same database fields (amazingly).
You need to pay the subscripion (see above) to confirm your registration. You can assume this has been received unless we contact you in due course; we do not send confirmations or receipts except by special request.
2) In the text of an email to [email protected] send a maximum of 15 words to describe your work. See any artist on the website (under Venues) for examples. If you want the same text as you had in 2019, you need do nothing.
3) By email attachment, send your main image for the year (best possible quality). Please use your full name plus ‘1’ as the filename (eg ‘Flossie Peaseblossom 1’). Bear in mind that images published are always square. The website will automatically crop it thus, but you may choose to do it yourself for best results. For the moment, your current image (if you have exhibited before at any time) will appear on the website until you send an update.
4) Artists who exhibit on the Trail have their own free webpage on this site. It is not compulsory but highly desirable. This remains on the website indefinitely or until the artist asks for it to be removed. For further details click here.
Please do all these as soon as possible, but the deadline for all information, images, subscription payment etc is March 31st. Further info etc will come from us via email.