Ian Viney

Ian Viney

Venue 999 : 11 Landsdown Place BS8 3AF

Having worked as a stonemason for 25 years Ian Viney has developed an intimate relationship with stone, familiar with the variations in colour, texture, strength, along with the intricacies and complexity of the materials. This expertise has allowed Viney to push the stone toward it’s limits. Viviparus Stone plates are made from fossil rich Purbeck Marble and Portland Roach stone. 135 million years in the making, and quarried for at least the last 2000 years. These architectural pieces are visually captivating with their wide lip and shallow well exposing the fossils to their best. Each plate is polished to a glass smooth finish that invites tactile exploration.

Various sizes on show, commissions taken and of course stone is a natural material so every plate is unique.

Vivipaurus Stone Plates are unique and handmade by Ian Viney. Made from Purbeck Marble, not a true marble, but a richly fossiliferous limestone which takes a high polish. These plates must be seen and touched to truly appreciate the beauty.