Harland Viney
Venue : 11 Landsdown Place BS8 3AF

Harland Viney’s work explores the psyche, desire, and natural forces in this collection of landscape paintings. Referencing traditions of Japanese woodblock prints, Australian landscape painting, spiritualist symbolism and childhood stories, Harland’s works capture the beauty and vastness of nature transformed into otherworldly landscapes. The sites depicted represent real locations which are layered upon with internal psychological spaces from the artist’s inner self. Water is a recurrent theme, with the stillness and reflectivity doubling up the landscape and offering a moment of stillness. Moons, suns, growth, weather, water and plant life form part of an eternal uninterrupted flow of nature, depicted in otherworldly colours that reinforce a sense of otherness and the uncanny.
Harland was selected for the prestigious John Ruskin Prize in 2017, ING in 2020, ASP shows in 2021, and has featured in many independent magazines: Shots, Diffusion Magazine, F-Stop and SIETIES, to name a few. Her work is in collections in the USA and UK. Harland has exhibited work internationally.