Frances Gard

Frances Gard

Autosave-File vom d-lab2/3 der AgfaPhoto GmbH

I take photos for a living. I started at Art College using film, popped off and did other things for a while, and then returned to photography when it had gone digital.

It’s enlightening to consider what people really value in a photograph. The popularity of low fi photography demonstrates that the feeling/ memory that an image can evoke is more important than it’s technical perfection. And being able to capture a moment quickly on your smart phone is invaluable and beats carrying a camera around with you. And then if you really want to capture the detail and tonal range that knocks the socks off a super high megapixel camera, simply grab a medium format film camera and marvel at the difference. I’ll be representing all types of photography, and there will be cameras to play with :-)? and questions answered where I can!

Oh and then there’s also putting your camera in a plastic bag and taking it underwater…

[email protected]