
About Us

The West Bristol Arts Trail takes place every year around the second or third weekend in October. It is run by a small committee, currently comprising:

  • Kevin Clutterbuck (Chairman, Treasurer, Graphic design, Banners)
  • Chris Dye (Vice-Chairman, Website design and content and Sponsorship)
  • Fi Harris (Secretary)
  • Wendy Gyles (Venue liason)
  • Monica Cuellar and Michelle Hinshelwood (Social media co-ordinators)

Contact Details

If you have a query, it would be very helpful if you could use the appropriate one below:

Please send any postal correspondence to the chairman:

Kevin Clutterbuck,
9 Tower,
George’s Sq
Bristol BS1 6LB


We were enormously saddened to announce the death of our Chairman, Douglas Henderson, in February 2022. Having almost single-handedly organised registration, liased with artists, taken care of finances and written the website content for many years, his was a huge loss for us all.