Virtual trail – information for visitors
The virtual trail runs throughout the year and features many artists who are registered for the actual 2022 Trail.
You must be a member of Facebook to be able to see the group page for the West Bristol Arts Trail and therefore “visit” the Virtual Trail.
Joining Facebook is free but you should always check the privacy settings after joining and only put on there the personal information you are happy for Facebook to have.
To join, please go here and click on Join Group. There will be a short delay until you are approved, but then you are free to browse.
Once you are a member you search in the search field at the top of the page for the West Bristol Virtual Arts Trail group page.
Look for the small drop-down box under the main picture that will show ‘Join’. If you click on that button a request will be sent to the organisers of the group page. Once you are accepted you will then be a member and your drop-down box will say ‘Joined’.
From this point on you will be able to comment on any of the posts you are interested in and send a message to an artist directly. It’s a very friendly way of doing things. Do experiment and enjoy!