Clare Rowles
Venue : The School Room Queen Elizabeth's Hospital BS8 1JX
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I am a multi medium artist currently specialising in needle felting. I create whimsical creatures and animal sculptures. I also make vintage inspired fairy dolls and experimental acrylic pour paintings.
I studied art, design, fashion, textiles and ceramics at college and university following school. After a long career as a Mother and then a housing professional I lost my job in 2020. This presented a chance for me to pursue my my dream of owning a profitable business selling my art work.
Art and design has forever been an integral part of my life. I have always felt a need and passion to ‘create’ in one form or another. I embrace diversity, change and free expression, it is therefore no wonder that I have experimented with many mediums, skills and techniques within the arts and crafts world.
I take my inspiration from nature, fantasy and all things vintage.
My ambition is to create quality, original art work that is desirable, appreciated and affordable.
Email: [email protected]