Vyv Hope-Scott
Venue : Ground Flr, 13 Worcester Terrace BS8 3JW
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Artist and musician Vyvyan Hope-Scott creates abstract images in oil, acrylic and associated media. Architectural and mechanical motifs often emerge from an ambiguously-defined space, giving the pictures a landscape quality. There’s a tension between three-dimensional and calligraphic elements. Vyv’s work is influenced by a number of painters, a surprising number of whom turn out to be Spanish.
“I don’t know why this is, but Spanish art seems to have a gutsiness, a clarity of line and composition that really appeals to me. Like every teenager in the art class I liked Dali, then moved towards the cubism of Picasso, then on to the abstract work of Tapies and Millares, and the Basque artist Eduardo Chillida. I’ve recently been looking at work by Velazquez and Zurbaran andthere it is again, that clarity and contrast.”
Vyv was born in Bristol and studied music and composition at Leeds and Bristol University. He regularly shows work at RWA summer shows, and also at Hidden Gallery, Grant Bradley, Centrespace, Tobacco Factory and Innocent Gallery.
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.vyvhopescott.co.uk