Anne Carpenter

Anne Carpenter

Venue :

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Anne has always admired the 18thC.  Silhouettists who just cut . As someone who, at school , constantly used an eraser this was challenging . Bags of assorted fabrics , when tipped onto the floor , were inspiring .  Textures , vivid and subtle colours , nets and threads were an ongoing stimulation to make fabric pictures . Shapes and colours of fruit and vegetables are an enjoyed subject , in contrast to more formal architecture , mainly domestic.


Anne cuts shapes and with PVA adhesive arranges blocks of colours;  the general impression being Painting with Fabric and Drawing with Scissors. Originally trained in Ceramics there is a desire to be 3-dimensional in her work , achieved by her use of Tulle for shading.

Starting with small fabric-collaged fashion-plate figures sold from the early 1960s through Liberty’s  of London ,  Anne’s work now portrays larger images of colourful fruits , vegetables and buildings .

Anne Carpenter      SGFA    ATD      Artist      Fabric Collagemaker

Email: [email protected]
