1) Who can participate?

Anybody, as long as you are exhibiting in the area of our map, namely Clifton Village, Clifton Wood, Hotwells, or the Western part of Redland. The committee does not select artists nor is there any entrance requirement beyond paying the subscription. Artists are free to join or not in any particular year.

2) What is the subscription?

£60 for each individual artist whether the artist is exhibiting alone or with others. There is no charge for schools. This pays for advertising, the paper map/brochures, magazine advertising and articles, plus radio and TV coverage where possible. You also have your own individual webpage on this site, with four images and about 200 words of text.

3) How do I apply?

Click the Registration tab above and fill out the form. Please note that Applications are accepted in order of receipt of payment. We have a cut-off number of about 120 artists spread over 50 venues.

4) How do I pay?

By BACS / online transfer to this account:
Coventry Building Society
West Bristol Arts a/c 76157928
Sort code 40-63-01

You can also pay by cheque, payable to West Bristol Arts and posted to

Kevin Clutterbuck
9 Tower
George’s Square
Bristol BS1 6LB

Please include the name you are exhibiting under as reference. If you need to pay by cheque or some other method, please contact Kevin Clutterbuck at [email protected]

5) Will all my contact details be published?

No. We publish only such contact details as artists wish. This has to include the exhibiting address, and usually an email address and website if any. We do not publish telephone numbers and will not publish email addresses if requested.

However, we do need contact details such as telephone numbers (preferably landline and mobile) in case we need to contact you urgently.

6) Where can I exhibit?

The vast majority of artists exhibit in their own homes where they sometimes invite other artists to join them. Some rent other venues such as church halls or similar venues.

7) Can the committee help with finding a venue?

Wherever possible, artists should find their own venues. However, if artists are still struggling to find a venue after much searching, we are usually able to help.

8) If I participate in the Arts Trail, am I required to help to organise it?

No. But we do ask for help with distribution of publicity. We encourage artists to publicise the trail on Social Media.

9) I am interested in sponsoring the West Bristol Arts Trail. What does it cost, and how do I go about it?

All details about sponsorship may be found here