Venues Google map

For the live Google map for 2021, see below.

For best results

1) View on a laptop NOT an iPad or iPhone because the search facility may not work on the latter if you have the Google maps app installed (which you probably have).

2) Click on the Full Screen icon (top right)

3) Click on the + button (usually bottom left) twice, or more as you wish; or the – button to zoom out again

4) To find any artist or venue, just start typing the name in the box at the top, and then click on it. If there is no box, then click on the magnifying glass icon, which will then show the box.

5) Click on the pointer to see the address and exact location; also all artists showing at that venue.

6) Use the hand symbol to move the map around (or your fingers on some devices).

Pointers in blue signify venues where there are extra facilities such as lavatories and catering. For details see the venues page (in the address line);